Sign up for the ARK for Parents Course 1
Course 1 includes 7 lessons

Price: $35

This course will take you through Lessons 1-7 of the award-winning ARK for Parents & Caregivers curriculum. Here, you’ll learn the foundations of effective parenting, focusing on understanding unconditional love and how to put it in action. The lessons include:

Lesson 1: Providing Unconditional Love

The way a child feels about himself determines how the child relates to the world around him. The most important gift a parent can convey to a child is…

Lesson 2: Overcoming our Past

Parenting behaviors are typically passed down from generation to generation. People tend to parent the way they were parented. It takes…

Lesson 3: Creating a New Style of Parenting

The lesson describes the difference between fear-based parenting and love-based parenting. Parents…

Lesson 4: Focusing our Communication

Have you ever complained, “My child doesn’t listen to me? It’s like talking to a brick wall”? One answer to this…

Lesson 5: Using Natural and Logical Consequences

A powerful model for disciplining children is a model built upon “natural and logical consequences.” This lesson teaches how to create logical consequences…

Lesson 6: Promoting Success at School

One of the most important elements in promoting children’s success at school is the “parent factor.” Studies show a huge difference in a child’s…

Lesson 7: Encouraging our Children

The lesson shows the important difference between the words “praise” and “encouragement.” Praise compliments the results while encouragement

Sign up for the ARK for Parents Course 2
Course 2 includes 7 lessons

Price: $35

This course will take you through Lessons 1-7 of the award-winning ARK for Parents & Caregivers curriculum. Here, you’ll learn the techniques for effective parenting to optimize implementation of your parenting skills. The lessons include:

Lesson 1: Avoiding Over-Reaction

When we analyze our children’s behavior, we tend to react critically when their actions do not follow our expectations. However, if we take the time and…

Lesson 2: Coaching Children to Manage their Feelings

A study conducted at the University of Washington shows that the way parents deal with both their own emotions…

Lesson 3: Bully-Proofing Our Kids

In our current culture, bullying is epidemic. It’s impact upon kids is tragic. One-third of teens report being bullied. Each day, 160,000 kids miss school for fear of…

Lesson 4: Conquering Depression: Providing Hope

Once considered an “adult” condition, major depression is now being diagnosed with increasing regularity among teens…

Lesson 5: Establishing Boundaries

Setting boundaries for children, even very young children, is an important parental task. Preschoolers have limited attention spans and…

Lesson 6: Instilling Responsibility

In helping children develop a sense of responsibility, it is important that we enable them to understand that the more responsible they become…

Lesson 7: Letting Our Children Go

There’s a passage that older teens go through called “declaring personhood.” We don’t hear a lot of talk about it, but it is an important stage of a child’s…

Sign up for the ARK for Parents Course 3
Course 3 includes 7 lessons

Price: $35

This course will take you through Lessons 1-7 of the award-winning ARK for Parents & Caregivers curriculum. Here, you’ll learn the techniques of how to intentionally interact with love. The lessons include:

The lessons include:

Lesson 1: Convening a Family Meeting

Family meetings should be fun experiences and can begin when the children are in elementary school. Their purpose is help family members bond together…

Lesson 2: Handling Sibling Fighting

Fighting among children within a family is so common that it is widely considered to be “normal” behavior. However, it is neither normal nor…

Lesson 3: Addressing Our Own Anger

In order to discipline children in a manner that reflects love for them, adults must learn how to deal appropriately with their own anger. Like all human…

Lesson 4: Sorting out the Teen Brain

Mark Twain once said, “When a boy turns 13, seal him in a barrel and feed him through a knot hole. When he turns 16, plug up the hole.” Twain’s words…

Lesson 5: Helping The Attention-Seeking Child

It is important that we have some insight into the reasons for children’s misbehavior. All children want to behave. They want…

Lesson 6: Dealing with the Rebellious Child

All of us want our lives to count for something. We want to engage in activities that we judge to be meaningful–that…

Lesson 7: Working with the Power-Seeking Child

Parent-child power struggles are natural, normal, and appropriate–especially when children are moving through the…